list of important horse grooming tools

Essential Horse Grooming Tools

Last Updated on September 1, 2020

Maintaining a healthy and happy horse requires proper and frequent horse grooming. Grooming your horse should be one of your daily endeavors. Not only will your horse look better but they will be happier and healthier too. Well there are some great horse grooming kits out there, in time you will want to make sure that you build out your grooming supplies so that you can easily keep your horse possible. below you can find our list of the must have grooming tools that every horse owner should have in their grooming tools.

Horse Clippers

Getting yourself one of the horse body clippers I recommend is going to make grooming your horse a much easier task.  horse clippers will help you maintain a healthy and well groomed horse by making it much easier to clip them. From body clipping to clipping around the muzzle ears and legs horse clippers will make the job significantly more efficient. Horse clippers common both  cordless and corded versions. I have sets of both types of horse clippers as I like to use cordless while on the road and a more powerful corded style when grooming at home.

Shedding blades

A high-quality shedding blade will help you to remove long fuzzy winter hairs. It is very important to groom your horse help them and healthy coat. Well there are number of shedding blades on the market that work very well I am a huge fan of the groom ninja shedding blade. But no matter which variety you go with having a good shedding blade handy is an important part of your grooming tool box.


Most horse owners are obviously going to be aware of the need for brushes. But what some don’t realizes that horse brushes common multiple styles. Two primary and most important styles of brushes to ensure that you have on hand are a stiff brush used for removing caked-on dirt, mud, and dried clumpy sweat. You should also have soft body brushes available. These are abused to do a finishing brush on your horse’s body and legs. There are a number of other they come in many different styles and shapes but at the end of the day make sure you have a stiff and a soft-bristled brush for your horse.

Shampoos and conditioners

 Bathing your horse is an important part of maintaining a healthy coat and a healthy horse. There are a number of shampoo and conditioners out there specifically made for horses. No matter which brand of horse shampoo and conditioner you choose be sure to wash your horse regularly and properly.

Hoof picks and conditioners

It has been said that a horse is no better than their hoofs  and there is a lot of Truth to that. You should have a high quality of hoof pick  and you should clean your horses hooves before every time you ride. Is also a good idea to check your horse and to pick their hubs if they’ve been out to pasture as rocks and other debris can find their way up in the hook. it is also a good idea to use conditioner to help maintain a healthy hook into avoid cracks and brittle of walls.

Horse Fly Spray 

horses can be stressed out if they are bothered by flies. Flies can also spread disease so it is very important to always keep a high-quality fly spray for your horse on hand. There are a number of options out there and you can see my recommendations for the best fly spray for horses here. you should also have fly masks and fly sheets for your horses or when they are out to pasture. 

While there are almost an infinite number of different tools and gadgets out there that will help you groom your horse these are the most frequently used tools in my horse grooming arsenal. Be sure to maintain a consistent grooming schedule with your horse and they will have a healthy and shiny coat and their overall health will be much better. 

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